200 Congress Avenue, 43R
Austin, Texas, 78701
1981: Chicago Horticultural Society, Glencoe, Ill ,photographs
1981: Cheekwood, Nashville, Tenn, photographs
1992: University of Florida, extended exhibition, Columns 1, 2 & 3
1994: Hall of Fame, Wingate, Israel, Chi/Life
1995: Hilton Hotel & Conference Center, Feynman’s Fancy
1997: Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, Fla,
2001: Steuben Glass window, Madison Ave, NYC, Flatlanders
2003: Clore Garden of Science,Weizmann Inst, Rehovot, Israel,Feynman’s Fancy
2005: Macabbim, Israel, Serendipity 7 feet h x 6 feet w
2005: Modiin, Israel, Portal No 1, 12 ft h x 12 ft w
2006: NYC Park District, Feynman’s Fancy,
2006: NYC Park District, Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series III
2006: Gracious Homes, Broadway, NYC solo exhibit more than 20 sculptures
2007: Westchester State Park District, NY, Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series III
2007: Port Warwick, W. Virginia, Columns, 1, 2 & 3. Series III
2010:JuanPerezVintage,BuenosAires,Argentina,Dog Labyrinth &Dreidel
2011: Tyler Park Sculpture Garden, Tyler, PA., Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series III
2013: Modiin, Israel, Portal No 3, Series 2bb, 16.5 feet high and 16.5 feet wide
2014: Austin, Texas, University of Texas RLM Lobby, Feynman’s Fancy ,
2014: Austin, Texas, JCC Campus, Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series II
2015: Malaga, Spain,Constitution Square’s oldest building in City
2015: Houston, Texas, Pop Up Labyrinth Exhibition, Oct, 2015
2015: Austin, Texas, Pop Up Exhibit, JCC Campus, December 2015
2016: NYC, National Arts Club EAM exhibit, March 2-27, 2016
2016: Gainesville, Florida, Pop Up Exhibit, Hector’s Gallery, March 21,
2016: Chartres, France, Labyrinth Exhibit for wall, July 2-9, 2016
2016: Stanford University, Feynman’s Fancy, Stanford Institute of Theoretical Physics, July,
2017: NYC, National Arts Club, EAM exhibit, Feb 26-March 24, 2017
2017: NYC, Artexpo NYC, Artavita, Portal No 3, Series 2b
2017: W Austin Hotel, Canvas & Plexiglass Labyrinths, World Labyrinth Day
2017: Chartres, France, Pop Up Labyrinth Exhibit, July 2-8, 2017
1991:Gainesville Regional Airport
1995:Thomas Center, Gainesville, Fla
2013: Paris, France, Memoire de l’Avenir,
2016: Modiin, Israel, Performing Arts Gallery
1. Feynman’s Fancy on posts in garden at University of Florida’s Hilton Hotel & Conference Center
2. Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series III, on lawn in front of Architecture building University of Florida
3. McDonald’s News Column, McDonald’s Regional Office, Tampa, Florida
4. Columns 1, 2 & 3, Westchester, NY’s Ward Pound Ridge Reserve
5. Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series I, Corporate Office, London, England
6. Portal No 3, Series 2bb, Modiin, Israel
7. Serendipity, Macabbim, Israel
8. Portal No 1, Series 3d. Modiin, Israel
9. Feynman’s Fancy,Weizmann Institute, Clore Garden of Science, Rehovot, Israel
10. Chai/Life, Wingate, Israel
11. Columns 1, 2 & 3,Series IV, Garden in Encino, California
12. Portal No. 3, Series 3d, Hadeed Cemetry, Israel
13. Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series II, JCC Campus, Austin, Texas
14.JuanPerezVintage,BuenosAires,Argentina,DogLabyrinth&Dreidel Labyrinth painted on sidewalk,2010
15. Serendipity Waterfall, 7 ft h x 7 ft wide, San Diego, Ca.
16. The Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture©, Series 3, Gainesville, Florida, installed downtown Gainesville as part of the Downtown Art Initiative.
17. Feynman’s Fancy, Triptych for wall, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics Stanford University.
18. Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series II, Zach Theatre, Austin, Texas
19. Canvas, The Mandla White Lion Labyrinth©, Save The White Lion Trust, South Africa
20. The Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture©Series 4, JCC Campus, Austin, Texas
21. The Butterfly Labyrinth©, The Butterfly House, Akko, Israel
1989: Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition, London, England, Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series 1
1991: Chattahoochee Valley Art Museum, LaGrange, Ga, Confessions
1991: Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibit, London, 3’s a Crowd & Flatlanders,Confessions
1992: Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition, London, England, Serendipity
1993: City of Orlando, Fla, I Ching 24
2001: National Arts Club Exhibiting Members Exhibit,NYC, Portal No 1, Series 3
2001: Mark Twain Library, Redding Ct., Portal No. 1, Series 3
2002: Mark Twain Library, Redding, Ct, The Proverbial Column
2002: National Arts Club, NYC, Infinity (won sculpture award)
2003: National Arts Club, NYC, Portal No 4
2004: National Arts Club, NYC, I Ching 24: Turning point (Honorable Mention)
2005: Viridian Gallery, NYC, McDonald’s News Column
2005: National Arts Club, NYC, Portal No 1, Series 3cc
2006: Westwood Gallery, NYC, Portal No 1, Series 3cc
2006: Allied Artist’s Exhibit, NYC, Portal No. 1, Series 3c
2006: National Arts Club, NYC, Portal No 1, Series 1a
2007: Pen & Brush Club, NYC, Portal No 1, Series 2c
2007: National Arts Club, NYC, Series 2b
2008: National Arts Club, NYC, Portal No 6
2009: National Arts Club, NYC, Apple Green/Golden Spiral + Cardioid
2010: National Arts Club, NYC, Golden Apple/Golden Spiral + Cardioid
2011: Salmagundi Club, NYC, Apple Finger Labyrinth (won sculpture award)
2011: Benramon Gallery, NYC, Dreidel Labyrinth
2011: National Arts Club, NYC, Apple Finger Labyrinth
2013: Austin City Hall’s Peoples’s Gallery, Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture
2013: National Arts Club, EAM Exhibition, The Town Square Labyrinth Diorama
2013: Allied Artist’s Annual Exhibition at National Arts Club, NYC, Apple Green/Golden Spiral©
2014: National Arts Club, NYC, The Pear Finger Labyrinth/Bronze©
2015: National Arts Club, NYC, EAM Exhibit, It’s About Time & Feynman©
2016: National Arts Club, EAM Exhibit, NYC, The Stem Rose Labyrinth/Gravel©
2017: National Arts Club,EAM Exhibit, NYC, The Dreidel Labyrinth/Gravel©
2017: Art Expo NYC,Pier 94, The Dreidel Labyrinth/Gravel©
2017: Studio 80 Sculpture Park, Old Lyme, NY, 3’s a Crowd©
2017: (Sept 19-Oct15) Kew Gardens, London,England, 5 sculptures
2017: (October 17,2017-2019 Cedar Park, Texas, Feynman’s Fancy on ss Posts
2018: Art Expo San Diego, Portal No 3
2018: National Arts Club, October 2018, The National Arts Club Labyrinth©
2019: Trail of Lights, Austin, Texas, The Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture©Series 4
2020: The Dell JCC, Austin, Texas, The Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture©Series 4
2020: National Arts Club, Feynman & Mondrian©
2002: National Arts Club, NYC, Infinity
2003: National Arts Club, NYC, I Ching: Turning Point
2007: National Arts Club, NYC, Portal No. 6a: Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture
2009: Salmagundi Club, NYC, Portal No. 6a: Dreidel Labyrinth Sculpture
2011: Salmagundi Club, NYC, Apple Finger Labyrinth Sculpture
2013: Selected to speak for 90 seconds at Forum on my work
1993: University of Florida, School of Journalism, either/or
1991: Private Collector: Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series 1V
1989: Corporation in London, England, Columns 1, 2 & 3, Series I
2016: Private Collector, Modiin, Israel, Shalom©
2021: LABYRINTHS Walk and Color a Finger Labyrinth©